Popular Store Cleaning Sprays as Bad as Smoking a Pack a Day
Sure, you want a clean home with shiny countertops, clean dishes and fresh laundry, but you also care about your health and the environment. There are many cleaning options available that do not contain all the harmful chemicals that are most commonly used in popular store brands.

If you need another reason to quit those chemical store-bought home cleaning products, how about this? According to a recent study, continued use of spray cleaners over a long period of time increase a woman’s risk of serious lung issues as much as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day! It was found that women regularly cleaning at home or professionally, suffered a more rapid decline in lung health than women who did not regularly clean around the home.
That's right. So we urge you to change your habit of buying the traditional brands like from chemical companies SC Johnson Wax, makers of Pledge, Windex and Drano. And switch to a brand that contains no harmful chemicals are synthetic dyes or fragrances.
PUUR Home offers a growing line plant based, family safe (pets too!) natural cleaning products for your home. The scented products use only pure essential oils to achieve their lemon/lavender or the refreshing rosemary/mint products. These products inclued All Purpose Cleaner, Stain Remover, Dish Soap and Laundry Detergent.